At Cigna, we go the extra mile
Every day we support our plan members through crisis situations and during sickness. But we do more: our member journey aims to optimise their health and well-being, in order to facilitate a successful assignment.
Local support in remote regions
- Access to a extended network of local medical consultants in + 100 countries
- Locally based case managers in Kenya, South Africa, Chile, Miami, Antwerp, Madrid and Kuala Lumpur
- Locally based communication officers in Geneva, Paris, Dakar, Beirut and Kinshasa
- International Medical board, with members employed by Cigna, in Belgium, Chile, Malaysia, Philippines, Afghanistan, India, Senegal and Brazil
Extensive global network
A network of more than one million health care professionals and facilities around the globe and +1.550 directly contracted health care providers in Africa, combined with several price agreements to ensure high-quality medical care at competitive prices.
24/7 responsive and caring
customer service
Your employees want to feel cared for. We don’t think it’s enough to provide round-the-clock customer service in over 50 languages. We want every member to feel that he or she can reach out to us – in good or bad health – and find a caring, compassionate person on the other end.
Direct payment for all inpatient treatment in provider network*
No need to worry about administration and payment of invoices.
* Direct payment is not possible in sanctioned countries.
Full health and well-being programme automatically included in the CoverN’GO Global plan
- Health Risk Assessment
- Pre-Assignment Assistance
- Country guides
- Employee Assistance Programme
- Decision support programme